Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Not really posting anything...

Sorry for not really updating much we have been so busy with doctor appt's, taking the kids to the beach and just hanging out as a family.. I will try to post more later today if not tomorrow because I will be able to have a free day for myself...About time...LOL....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Leaving a pic for the middle of the week....

New Hairdo...

Ok..... So a couple of weeks ago I decided to take the plung and cut my hair off. I told the stylist that I wanted it done but I didn't want to see it till she was finished styling it. She told me ok she will do that... I am still a little unsure of it but it is growing on me.. Tell me what you think of it????

So far I am loving it.....

Water Park...

Today the kids wanted to do something fun so I decided to take them to the little park that they have here and it has a bunch of water toys too. They had a blast getting the water dumped on them and also shooting each other and other kids with the water toys as well. Here are some pics from today...

So This Is New To Me...

I decided that I needed to get a blog going so I could show all my family and friends what we have been up to and also to show how big the kids are getting. This is going to take some time for me to get use to, But when I do I think I will have fun with it. Not sure how to change my backgrounds or anything else so we will see what happens in the future...